Program & Important Dates

Important dates

  • Registration and abstract submission deadline Registration and abstract submission deadline
    15 March 2024 24 March 2024 (extended)
  • Meeting Meeting
    16 — 18 April 2024
  • MC meeting MC meeting
    19 April 2024 (half day)
  • Conference dinner and Bosphorus tour Conference dinner and Bosphours tour
    17 April 2024

Important remarks for the presenters

  • Oral contributions should be planned as 15 min + 5 min (for questions and discussions).
  • Invited contributions should be planned as 25 min + 5 min (for questions and discussions).
  • Recommended poster size is vertically oriented A0 (84 cm × 119 cm).
  • There is also a flash poster talks session, which should be planned as 1-2 minutes.
  • Speakers should contact session chairpersons of their scheduled sessions and upload the presentation files to the computer.


Scientific program

16 April 2024

Time Title/Event Presenter
8:00-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:30 NanoSpace overview: where we are and where we go Aníbal García-Hernández
WG1 "The cosmic inventory of nC" (Session 1) Chair: Dogan Erbahar
9:30-10:00 Complex organics in space: a changing view of the cosmos Sun Kwok
10:00-10:30 Future directions in cosmic fullerenes Jan Cami
10:30-11:00 Coffee break and poster viewing
11:00-11:20 Mid-infrared spectroscopy of cyano-PAH cations for astrochemical consideration Tom Douglas-Walker
11:20-11:40 Hydrogenated amorphous carbon grains as possible carriers of unexplained spectral phenomena in evolved stars Arturo Manchado
11:40-12:00 Determination of optical properties of amorphous carbon from the measured reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy spectra Karoly Tőkési
12:00-12:20 Asphaltenes as model compounds of the possible carriers of the UIBs/AIBs detected in various astrophysical objects Franco Cataldo
12:30-14:00 Lunch
WG2 "Processing, reactivity and relaxation pathways of nC" (Session 2) Chair: Chris Ewels
14:00-14:30 Tracing the origin and evolution of cosmic PAHs: molecular analysis of dust analogs and meteorites Hassan Sabbah
14:30-14:50 Effect of swift ion irradiation on pyrene Anna Bychkova
14:50-15:10 Photoprotonation of a carbon atom of an aromatic ring Nađa Došlić
15:10-15:30 Stabilities of highly reactive nanocarbon ions Henning Zettergren
15:30-16:00 Coffee break and poster viewing
16:00-16:20 Ion irradiation of astrophysical ices: implications for formation of complex molecular species Alicja Domaracka
16:20-16:40 Photo-processing of carbonaceous dust grains by water ice Cornelia Jäger
16:40-17:00 Effect of gamma radiation on structure, morphology, and optical properties of GO/PVA nanocomposite Lala Gahramanli
17:00-17:30 Flash Poster Session (1-2 minutes informal poster presentations & discussion)

17 April 2024

Time Title/Event Presenter
WG3 "Role and Importance of nC in Non-Terrestrial Environments" (Session 1) Chair: Cornelia Jäger
9:00-9:30 Exploring the cosmic origins of prebiotic molecules through laboratory interstellar ice experiments Cornelia Meinert
9:30-10:00 Quantum chemical study of complex organic molecules in the interstellar medium Boutheïna Kerkeni
10:00-10:20 Fullerenes as versatile catalysts in prebiotic reactions Eftal Gezer
10:30-11:00 Coffee break and poster viewing
11:00-11:20 Low-temperature photochemistry of sulfur-containing complex organic molecules Marcin Gronowski
11:20-11:40 Electronic and optical properties of molecules calculated within DFT based schemes: from PAHs to nucleobases Giancarlo Cappellini
WG1 "The cosmic inventory of nC" (Session 2) Chair: Cornelia Jäger
11:40-12:10 Unveiling the photochemical evolution of carbonaceous molecules: experimental and theoretical studies Alessandra Candian
12:10-12:30 Fullerene derivatives from single metal atoms to molecules: A quantum chemistry perspective Ransel Barzaga
12:30-14:00 Lunch
WG1 "The cosmic inventory of nC" (Session 2) Chair: Polona Umek
14:00-14:20 Almost complete classification of carbon molecules based on their conductivity Irene Sciriha
14:20-14:40 Topological data analysis of fullerene graph spectra Tomislav Došlić
WG4 "Impact, Inclusiveness and Outreach" (Session 1) Chair: Polona Umek
14:40-15:00 Cosmic nanocarbon inventory database proposal: A sustainable, open-access and open-source Science 4.0 platform Eftal Gezer
15:00-15:20 Storing and sharing computational data through comprehensive databases Ana Martín Somer
15:30-16:00 Coffee break and poster viewing
16:00-17:00 Database Discussion Session
19:00 Conference Dinner

18 April 2024

Time Title/Event Presenter
WG2 "Processing, reactivity and relaxation pathways of nC" (Session 2) Chair: Alicja Domaracka
9:00-9:30 Theoretical modelling of nanocarbon materials using machine learning approaches Rina Ibragimova
9:30-9:50 Atomic scale investigations on nanodiamond materials via TEM Raúl Arenal
9:50-10:10 Nanocarbons and how to compute your way out of experimental problems Manuel Melle Franco
10:10-10:30 A theoretical study on the mechanisms of formation of primal carbon clusters and nanoparticles in space Stefan Kolev
10:30-11:00 Coffee break and poster viewing
WG4 "Impact, Inclusiveness and Outreach" (Session 2) Chair: Flavia Dell’Agli
11:00-11:20 Chemical functionalization of multilayers fullerenes (carbon nano-onions) for biomedical applications Silvia Giordani
11:20-11:40 Emergent atomic environments in twisted bilayer graphene and their use in the prediction of the vibrational properties Dogan Erbahar
11:40-12:00 Using quantum computer assistance to scale up quantum correlation measures for nC Barış Malcıoğlu
12:00-12:20 Investigating devices that measure nanocarbon molecular structures in space Musa Akbulut
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:20 Metal-semiconductor transition investigation of nanocrystalline silicon carbide under irradiation in space technology Elchin Huseynov
14:20-15:30 Panel Discussion Show Session Moderator: Jan Cami
15:30-16:00 Coffee break and poster viewing
16:00-16:30 Final Joint Discussion Moderator: Eleanor Campbell

Poster presentations

# Title Presenter
1 Enhancing the thermal stability of TiO2-B nanoribbons Polona Umek
2 Action spectroscopy of CN containing PAH cations Ewen Campbell
3 Machine learning methods for DFT simulations of nanostructures Ioannis Remediakis
4 Diameter of nanotori Vesna Andova
5 Theoretical and EIS investigation of the formation of oxygen on the hematite surface Veton Haziri
6 Structure and spectroscopy of molecules of astrochemical interest and their aggregates with water Ana Niedojadlo
7 Using concepts of computer games development to create a data visualisation engine Simon Scarle
8 STM observation and characterisation of azafullerene radicals Yuri Tanuma
9 STM studies of C60 cage shrinking on Cu(111) Eleanor Campbell
10 EiBI gravity-modified solar GES structure Souvik Das
11 Balancing error and scaling in quantum computer with machine learning Kaan Yurtseven & Özgür Nazlı
12 Shaping tomorrow: breaking bias in childhood education Flavia Dell’Agli
13 Influence of thermal annealing on the physical properties of GO composite materials Lala Gahramanli
14 Age-mass ratio and evolution of the herbig AeBe stars Sabahaddin Alishov

Management Committee (MC) meeting

Only MC members and individuals with Action leadership positions and/or invited are attending the MC meeting.

19 April 2024

Time Session/Event Moderator
9:00-10:30 MC Meeting (Session 1) Aníbal García-Hernández
  1. Welcome to participants, verification of the quorum and adoption of agenda
  2. Information to the MC
    1. Recap of the minutes of the last meeting, e-votes and matters arising since the last meeting
    2. Core Group: report from the Core Group, including delegated decisions
    3. Action Membership: New Specific Organisations and COST Members represented in the MC
    4. Action Participation: WG membership and applications, New MC Members/Observers

      and provisional substitution.

    5. Budget status: summary from the Grant Holder
    6. Update from the COST Association (if representative is present)
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-14:00 MC Meeting (Session 2) Aníbal García-Hernández
  1. Follow up and discussion on the
    1. Action management: structure, leadership positions and other supporting roles.

      Mandates to the Core Group (if applicable)

    2. Implementation of the COST Excellence and Inclusiveness Policy
    3. Grant Awarding by the Action
    4. Progress of each working group
    5. Science Communication Plan
    6. Progress on MoU Objectives, WG tasks, deliverables, and Goals for the current GP.
  2. Planning
    1. Revision of Work and Budget Plan of the current GP (if applicable)
    2. Draft plans for the following GP(s).
    3. Upcoming activities
  3. Monitoring and Reporting to the COST Association
  4. AOB
  5. Summary of MC decisions
  6. Closing